food chain pyramid

food chain pyramid. food chain.
  • food chain.

  • Dane D.
    Mar 4, 11:47 AM
    Fivepoint- you act as if teachers make lots of money. The don't, even though they are required to have masters degrees. People understand if the belt is tight. People do NOT understand being denied the right to unionize and fight when they feel taken advantage of. NO ONE should ever be jailed for striking. That you support this is nothing short of sickening. I am absolutely disgusted. Just wait- you guys will get yours soon enough, trust me.
    Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source: To quote the site:
    Teachers with Master's Degrees live VERY comfortably in Ohio

    Salary raise last year: 3.3%
    Salary raise over 10 years: 33.0%

    Now I make much less than that in advertising/marketing agency. I haven't had a raise in 2 years. In the past decade my salary as not increased 33%.
    Don't spew lies, back up your lame arguements with facts.

    food chain pyramid. of pyramids of numbers,
  • of pyramids of numbers,

  • SthrnCmfrtr
    Jan 10, 01:55 PM
    This was a personal meaning and yes i use logic when i express myself, maybe you're iq is low and you must attack somebody to make you're higher thats youre personal meaning to(low iq as well - haha(dont take it personally).And yes i think the iphone sucks i have had so much telephones over the years and i think it's just a ipod halo effect(like much off apple is).Look at the ipod touch - go figure.
    And like allways some guys must have with a spoon.the membersname is ironic...put faith in what you want i dont care..(buddha ore jesus)thats your personal we go with that spoon - "dadda....
    haha...allways funny.. your sincerly
    best regards

    I regard you with serene curiosity. Please continue.

    food chain pyramid. food web pyramid.
  • food web pyramid.

  • skunk
    Aug 12, 05:49 AM
    would anyone care to explain why the uk price for a 30" cinema display is �1549 whereas in the US it is $1999 (around �1054.71) even with VAT included this still only comes to �1,239.28 - so why the huge margin...I guess it's not called rip-off Britain for nothing eh...Excluding VAT, my edu disc price is �1,213.00. I'm sorely tempted to order.

    food chain pyramid. Energy Pyramid, Food Chain
  • Energy Pyramid, Food Chain

  • iguanarama
    Jul 21, 10:24 AM
    I love that they do the video of the Nokia with the battery showing almost empty. :)

    food chain pyramid. ANTI-AGING DIET PYRAMID

  • twoodcc
    Apr 13, 06:13 PM
    Oh yeah thanks to your help in getting the SMP client and giving the GPU client a go, I am now in the top 20 producers. Not bad considering when a few years back I had only an iBook and I was producing 48 points a day and did that for over a year!

    I don't know how long I will be able to sustain that rate though might have to drop back.

    yeah no problem.

    well just put up those numbers for as long as you can. our team can use the points, and of course for the cause

    food chain pyramid. food chain pyramid of numbers.
  • food chain pyramid of numbers.

  • DFDureiko
    Oct 18, 09:10 AM
    Being a die hard Apple/Mac guy, it killed me when Apple went to ATT, as I was Verizon and really liked their service. a week and a half ago, my phone failed, one of our lines was out of contract, so I finally got a 3GS 16gig. it's so amazing (to me, i'm new:) that I guess I'll stick with it, most of the time I'm in the country (rural CT and FL) and have had no dropped calls. From this thread I'm guessing dropped calls are a problem in metropolitan areas?
    If I could have had some clear answer from Verizon, even a "maybe by midsummer" I'd have kept patiently waiting. But all the Verizon reps, both stores and call center, said "I've heard NOTHING of us getting an iPhone"
    Just my luck if it comes out in March, and I'm locked into ATT:)
    One other thing I find strange seeing that ATT and Verizon are the two largest cell company's in the US, is why still, There is no ATT coverage in the western states (ie Montana, Wyoming etc) only Verizon? any idea why ATT is not expanding out there after all these years?

    food chain pyramid. t-shirt Food+chain+pyramid
  • t-shirt Food+chain+pyramid

  • SciFrog
    Apr 9, 12:19 PM
    Looks like we are getting close to our likely max output of 270-280k ppd... Nice. Let's see if Apple wants to release new Mac pros soon now.

    food chain pyramid. down the food chain.
  • down the food chain.

  • arn
    Apr 21, 10:44 PM
    Perhaps a "Relevant" button then.

    I guess leaving it as a +1 button is pretty much the same thing without using a word.


    I just think it may be more troublesome than helpful to have a -1 button. If someone disagrees with a post, they usually respond with an argument. If they agree, unless they have something to add, hitting the +1 button would work, and it would clear up the "Agreed" and "+1" posts.

    Well, some places limit the ability to downvote for higher level accounts. Like those who have been around or gained a certain amount of reputation. While others have no downvote ability at all.


    food chain pyramid. Diagram of an energy pyramid
  • Diagram of an energy pyramid

  • fsck-y dingo
    Nov 8, 02:26 PM
    I'm worried about getting banned for getting it (a few hours) early.

    No need to worry. If you have a retail copy of the game you can play before the official release date without any issues.

    Just out of curiosity, where did the games that have already been delivered come from? I ordered through Amazon with the delivery date shipping option so I won't have mine until tomorrow. If there's a place that tends to ship early I may use them next time.

    food chain pyramid. food chain pyramid worksheet.
  • food chain pyramid worksheet.

  • Knox
    Jan 5, 03:24 PM
    I wish they at least did that still. I mean, they offer a streaming video after the event, is it really so much more expensive to to offer it live?

    Although the data transferred may be the same or more with on-demand streams, when it's live there will be much higher simultaneous usage. With high-end hosting in general, simultaneous usage is the killer and not really total bandwidth usage. With the popularity of Apple these days the number of simultaneous streams could be extremely high (I mean, if MacRumors gets 100,000 visitors simultaneously think what Apple would get themselves).

    food chain pyramid. desert food chain diagram.
  • desert food chain diagram.

  • Eidorian
    Nov 23, 10:17 PM
    so guys,

    does anyone think that the discounts will be able to be used in conjunction with educational discounts? if so that'd be great...if not...then i guess you still save an additional 50 bucks? that'd be ok!

    tell me what you think about hte question?No

    food chain pyramid. animal food chain pyramid.
  • animal food chain pyramid.

  • DTphonehome
    Mar 24, 03:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Amazing longevity. A truly robust platform that brought Apple into the 21st century. Especially when you consider the competition at the time! I seem to remember Mac OS X was touted as Apple's platform "for the next 20 years" when it was introduced. So it's only halfway finished!

    food chain pyramid. with an inverted pyramid
  • with an inverted pyramid

  • mrkramer
    Jan 15, 11:10 PM
    I was very disappointed with the keynote. I have no need for an :apple:TV, I am slightly upset that the iPod touch update costs money. The time capsule may be interesting, but nothing I plan on getting anytime soon. I did get excited when the MacBook air was introduced, but then after the keynote when I was checking prices on the BTO parts to see how long until I would have enough money to buy it I realized that it had a glossy screen which I will never buy so what would have been an otherwise almost perfect powerbook 12" replacement was ruined.

    food chain pyramid. Food Chain Pyramid by
  • Food Chain Pyramid by

  • CQd44
    Apr 17, 12:19 PM
    so you're a common dirty thief who steals from people..and proud of the fact? Under Sharia law they'd chop your hands off....

    Under sharia law a woman who was raped would need like 9 witnesses to prove the man guilty. And her testimony in other cases would be half that of a man's.

    Sharia law isn't a very good thing to bring up ;)

    food chain pyramid. Sticker: Food Chain Pyramid
  • Sticker: Food Chain Pyramid

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 01:42 PM
    What these guys forget, and everyone else who proposes this, is the fact that OS X solely exists to sell Apple's hardware and not the other way around.

    iLife, iWork, OS X, Pro Apps all have the single purpose of selling hardware. Apple is a hardware company by choice, it's what they want to do.

    They are not a software house and I can't see them trading away their hardware business to gain OS X marketshare. It's not not what Apple is all about.

    I think this is a bit of an over-simplification. Apple is a computer company. A computer = hardware + an operating system + software. This was always the way it was until IBM made their terrible strategic errors with the PC. Now we think companies like Dell make computers. They really don't -- they are Microsoft remarketers.

    food chain pyramid. animal food chain pyramid.
  • animal food chain pyramid.

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 11:24 AM
    You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.

    The whole post is meant to be a joke. All of those things are true. It's poking fun all the "no new MacBooks, this is a joke, you suck" crowd.

    food chain pyramid. /
  • /

  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:31 PM
    hey, im all for apple not releasing this software to the public.

    Why? it may mean less viruses or hacks.

    security through obscurity doesn't really work as well as its proponents would like to think. take pgp for example. it's completely open. how many cracks have there been for it?

    food chain pyramid. Food Chain/Tropic levels
  • Food Chain/Tropic levels

  • TheWheelMan
    Mar 17, 05:34 PM
    Please read my post again. Never did I say I was laughing at "you all" but rather the post "buddy". Hope I didn't touch a nerve.

    Also who are you quoting?

    Actually, you said:

    Obviously the OP was wrong with what he did but love laughing at all the holier than thou responses.

    Sorry, but that's the same at laughing at the people, ie, a form of being "Holier than thou." After all, what did your post add to this discussion except to say that you think you're above the comments being posted.

    Nice try at excusing yourself though, "buddy".

    food chain pyramid. food web pyramid. dance with
  • food web pyramid. dance with

  • KirkL
    Apr 19, 06:21 AM
    Wooo let's compare two unreleased OSes.

    Dec 8, 04:09 PM
    Treyarch seemed to make a decision to nerf the whole snipe/camp thing, making sniping more difficult, and camping a risky & questionable proposition. Running & gunning is the way Black Ops seems to go, if you want to camp, stack killstreaks, modern warfare is the way to go. The amount of times I have seen someone going XX kills & 0 deaths I can count on one hand, while in MW2 I had done it quite a few times.

    I think Black Ops has become a nice alternative, and not just a continuation of modern warfare. It gives players choices.

    The multiple games give you choices...but this game alone gives you no choice but to run and gun. If i wanted to Run and Gun and waste my life i'd go join the taliban and pray to Allah.

    This game gives you very little choice and in that makes the game terrible.

    And you said it yourself. Treyarch ruined the game for all the snipers. Great job!

    Treyarch = morons and dip*****. Bring back Infinity War. Black Ops Blows.

    Apr 15, 05:15 PM
    How is "gay history" different than regular history? lol

    FABULOUS, yes, but seriously, try BRILLIANT.

    Many, many, works of art, of whatever medium, will be lost without "gay history".

    Jan 11, 04:17 PM
    I have a problem with tv-b-gone users in general.
    That said, I was laughing at the video.
    Some people have screamed "sue!"
    You have to be able to PROVE damages.

    As for causing the companies damages, remember these guys probably screwed up about 2 minutes worth of each presentation they messed with... We just happened to see it repeatedly, and non-stop. Don't forget those presentations are made every 5-10 minutes every day for 3-4 days... In the grand scheme of things, I have a hard time believing anyone was *really* damaged.

    That said, I'm going to be manning our booth at Macworld next week. I'm disabling the IR receivers so nobody comes by with an Apple remote, trying to trigger front row on all our laptops!! :)

    Sep 12, 07:36 AM
    i just tried the same with the swedish store, and its down :)
    maby this will be a world event afterall!!

    Yeah, but I'll bet it's not the "It's Showtime" splash screen is it? Just the busy connection dialogue box.

    Sep 12, 07:33 AM
    Can we please burn them so we can watch films on normal DVD players!

    Not gonna happen. Apple will let you watch in the living room, it will just be via wireless streaming.

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