rihanna 2011 style

rihanna 2011 style. kim kardashian 2011 style.
  • kim kardashian 2011 style.

  • killuminati
    Sep 9, 04:33 PM
    While we're on the topic, I also e-mailed Apple, asking them to put the "EXPLICIT" warning next to the keynote. My 11-year old son likes watching them, but he won't be seeing this one; profanity = unprofessional.

    lol, I think he can watch the keynote. Just stop if you want at the last 2 minutes when Jobs intros Kanye. And at 11 years old I'm sure your son has heard profanity before.

    rihanna 2011 style. Rihanna looked happy and quite
  • Rihanna looked happy and quite

  • whoooaaahhhh
    Jan 8, 02:10 PM
    When you spend the whole year waiting for the event you want the moment to be perfect.

    What are we doing here...losing our virginity? Yeesh!

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style.
  • rihanna 2011 style.

  • Donz0r
    Jan 9, 03:02 PM
    OK, i dont know if this is a problem, but the URL of the keynote itself happens to contain a spoiler. Could be an issue.

    Nothing a couple sheets of paper can't fix.;)
    is there anyway for someone to copy the video to a different server? Exclusive to us MacRumorians? and post the link?

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. top
  • rihanna 2011 style. top

  • sobolobo
    Jul 24, 08:45 AM
    I also doubt that this thing will break the iPod's dominance in the market, however the transfer in loyalty that's been happening is not as profound as people might think. A couple of years ago, people will be deciding between a Vaio or a Toshiba, today, it's a PC or a Mac but at this stage it appears the PC is still winning out.

    And there actually are people who don't know who made the iPod! :confused:


    rihanna 2011 style. Style reveal the new You like
  • Style reveal the new You like

  • Brocktoon
    Jan 10, 12:06 AM
    Macbook Pro update: announced 1/15, shipping 1/15 :)
    Macbook Nano: announced 1/15, shipping in 6-8 weeks :mad:

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. spring
  • rihanna 2011 style. spring

  • drsmithy
    Nov 17, 12:53 AM
    2. AMD is far superior. Right now Intel is in the lead, but it's not a true lead. For the longest time, AMD had the better architecture.

    "For the longest time" ? x86 CPUs did exist before the year 2000, you know.

    Intel had to do something, so they went back to the P3, tweaked it a little, and added some huge caches, and gave us a CPU modeled after a 6 year old (guessing here) CPU that ran at around the same GHZ speeds, but was faster.

    The P3 (which begat the Pentium M, which begat Core, which begat Core 2) was basically just a souped-up P2. A P2 was basically just a Pentium Pro with MMX and an off-die L2 cache (what Apple would later call a "backside cache").

    The Pentium Pro (Intel's first totally new x86 chip design since the 386) came out in 1995. So all your fancy new x86 Macs have a direct lineage to an Intel CPU over a decade old.

    Personally I think it's a credit to Intel that the PPro has scaled from a massive, hot, "slow" 150Mhz server CPU all the way through low-power dual-core laptop chips up to a top-end quad-core CPU. AMD has been through three new CPU designs in the same timeframe and only been unquestionably faster for maybe 50% of it.


    rihanna 2011 style. Crazy Hair Style from Rihanna,
  • Crazy Hair Style from Rihanna,

  • CasaRed
    Jul 27, 03:36 PM
    I agree that as priced that the majority of people getting this car would lease it. Keep in mind though that if you have a daily commute of less than 40 miles, you'll seldom need to purchase gasoline, so compared to a regular car or even a Prius, those savings will add up faster.

    Either way, at this point this car seems to be at an early-adopter stage where you would expect to be paying a premium until it becomes more of a commodity or there's more competitors in the space. Kinda like how a 5gb iPod used to cost $400. ;)

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. rihanna
  • rihanna 2011 style. rihanna

  • nagromme
    Sep 25, 11:17 AM
    The reasons people HATE this new version so much:

    1. It adds a lot of features and answers requests.

    2. It's a free update.

    3. This is a photography event, and people were caught off guard when Apple showed their photography product, despite the Aperture image right on the invitation.

    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    5. There will never be another chance for new MacBook Pros. We now know that the current models will be sold forever and ever, even after Apple goes out of business, which will happen by the end of the year.



    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style
  • rihanna 2011 style

  • leekohler
    Apr 25, 02:03 PM

    Warning- this is is extremely disturbing, it may bring you to tears.

    After an unidentified transgender woman tried to use the bathroom at a Baltimore McDonald's, two patrons started attacking her in full view of other customers and employees. These employees can be heard on the video shouting words of encouragement to the attackers. It's time we DEMAND that justice be served and that EVERY McDonald's employee involved in this brutal hate crime be held accountable.

    The April 18 assault took place at a McDonald’s location in the 6300 block of Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb, according to the Baltimore County Police Department. A 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile in connection with the assault, charges are still pending against an 18-year-old woman. “The incident remains under investigation and the State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case,” added investigators.

    Not surprisingly, McDonald's lacks standard policies for protecting transgender individuals, despite a decent record of workplace discrimination protections for gays and lesbians. And while the company has pledged to “take appropriate action” against all employees involved in this heinous event, just one has been punished.

    I don't usually post petitions, but this scared the hell out of me.

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. rihanna
  • rihanna 2011 style. rihanna

  • door4
    Sep 12, 08:12 AM
    The link from Transporter 2 includes Movies+Trailers in the URL. As does the one below it, the other two include Games+Trailers.

    Here's the full link from the Transporter 2 bit.


    Clicking that link calls up a whitepage saying Itunes store being updated ( from the US)


    rihanna 2011 style. Rihanna
  • Rihanna

  • SeaFox
    Oct 29, 01:00 AM
    Why hasn't there been a 'universal' version of Photoshop yet? Because the hard core digital imaging people are hanging on to their G5's.
    No, you have it backwards. Software companies don't release products because the hardware is out there. They release because they've added new features and want user to upgrade and new consumers to come. Consumers buy the hardware because the software is available for it. A computer without software is just a really expensive paper weight. It's Adobe's lack of a native Creative Suite than keeps professionals from picking up MacPros - and Apple said just that during their last financial results call.

    You think graphic designers aren't interested in getting an Intel Mac and the performance gains that come with it? They get higher performance running Photoshop on the G5's they have now than running it on the Intel Macs under Rosetta. So why spend the money to degrade your production apps?

    Adobe has nothing to gain from not releasing a native Creative Suite. I mean, it's not like Apple is going to hold a press conference tomorrow and announce they are going back to IBM chips. This is the future and if Adobe doesn't ship a new Creative Suite they will be no different than the companies that never ported their apps to PPC native versions and stayed with 68k - giving up.

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. hair Style
  • rihanna 2011 style. hair Style

  • WeegieMac
    Mar 18, 02:55 AM
    But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Nail. Hit. On. The. Head.

    In personal experience, most of the Apple "haters" I've known have fallen into the category if they could afford an Apple product, then they wouldn't hate.

    Hating something is easier than openly admitting "I want that but cannot afford it", so by creating a hate figure out of the company/products, it makes it easier for the person to "accept" that they will never own the product they secretly lust after.


    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. roland.g
  • rihanna 2011 style. roland.g

  • hob
    Jan 9, 02:22 PM
    I just PM'ed Arn

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. 2011 Rihanna Photo Gallery; 2011 Rihanna Photo Gallery. NikeTalk. Mar 18, 09:40 AM. That guy that used 90GBs should be the first one
  • rihanna 2011 style. 2011 Rihanna Photo Gallery; 2011 Rihanna Photo Gallery. NikeTalk. Mar 18, 09:40 AM. That guy that used 90GBs should be the first one

  • Mord
    Apr 27, 01:19 PM
    Where to start....

    - How about the definition of "Gender".... I am not talking about "Gender roles" or "norms" or any of that. I am speaking ONLY about the scientific aspect of "Gender".
    Case in point: Lets say a transgendered individual is stricken with a life threatening ailment. Now we all know that certain illnesses are more prone to certain genders. The doctor asks you what gender you are, in order to diagnose and cure you before you die. No matter how much you are convinced that you are actually gender "X" despite being born gender "Y", you are still going to be disposed to illnesses that effect gender "Y".

    Anyone care to debate that?

    Another thing- I find it very interesting how quickly you guys started to assume I'm being "narrow minded" and how I need to "broaden my horizons"...

    I find it even more interesting that you jumped to the same conclusions (prejudicial conclusions, perhaps) despite my twice stating that I support transgender rights and that it is not a personal choice but an inherent predisposition.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender it's all a bit grey there....

    Having been a transgender individual in a potentially life threatening situation a couple of times, generally I informed them of my medical history like any sane patient would.

    You're focusing on selective binary aspects of sex in a topic relating to transgender people, do you not think that this could be seen as somewhat offensive and inappropriate?

    As I said, I am what I am, I'm fine with that, I just don't appreciate you "helpfully" pointing out that there are certain aspects of sex-differentiation you can't erase.

    That does not mean you're not being a douchebag when you directly or indirectly call a transsexual woman a man or male, even citing your oversimplified ideas of sex and gender. It propagates a culture that sees us in terms of our troubled history rather than who we are and in some cases will be.

    Does that make things clear for you? I'm not trying to be confrontational for the sake of it.


    rihanna 2011 style. Rihanna. February 9, 2011
  • Rihanna. February 9, 2011

  • MonkeyET
    Dec 18, 04:08 PM
    My question is if AT&T's exclusivity indeed DOESN'T expire until 2012, then what's the deal with the lack of AT&T iPhone commercials on TV these days? There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemd like every other TV commercial was AT&T whoring the iPhone. Now, it seems like I never see iPhone ads on TV and AT&T is touting every other phone EXCEPT the iPhone.

    Didn't Apple just release a new commercial in the last few weeks about the longer life of the iPhone 4 battery compared to other smartphones? If not for this commercial, I would have gone alone with your argument.

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. rihanna
  • rihanna 2011 style. rihanna

  • roadbloc
    Apr 24, 05:13 AM

    What trolls? If you're on about *LTD* here, he is entitled to his opinion, and whereas our opinions differ, it does not mean he is a troll.

    What I don't like in this case, is that *LTD* appears to have altered his opinion to suit Apple. He has, on several cases, accuse Google of being a company that cares more about the personal data of users, rather than the user experience. And now that Apple are also seen to be possibly collecting user data, it's a non-issue.

    I also disagree with his thought that the 'average person' wouldn't care about the safety and security of their children on cyberspace. Utter rubbish. The 'average person' wants re-assuring that cyberspace is totally safe before they let their kids use it. The 'average person' wants full control over what their kids can and can't do on cyberspace. The 'average person' also doesn't really know the difference between a conversation with a pedo over messenger, and a conversation with an actual friend.

    Let me give an example:
    Lizzie: Hey.
    Amy: Hi. :p
    Lizzie: Check out this cool song.
    <Lizzie offers Amy track01.mp3.exe>
    <Transfer complete.>
    Amy: Clicked on it. Doesn't work :(
    Lizzie: :/ I'll look for it on YouTube.
    Amy: k :)
    Lizzie: Here you go :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0

    And before you know it, the pedo has access to everything on "Amy's" computer. If our pedo knows how to get a malicious program like that, they certainly know which file contains their iPhone locations.

    Slim chance, I know. But there is a risk that it may happen. And I find that unacceptable.


    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. justin
  • rihanna 2011 style. justin

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:53 PM

    affront |əˈfrənt|
    an action or remark that causes outrage or offense
    Yikes, another one that doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style.
  • rihanna 2011 style.

  • Scowlerjase
    Jan 14, 07:15 PM
    Gizmodo , as we say in the North of England , have well and truly p*ssed on their own chips.

    rihanna 2011 style. rihanna 2011 style. rihanna
  • rihanna 2011 style. rihanna

  • infidel69
    Apr 9, 03:20 PM
    Best Buy knows who D:apple:ddy is... They know who's keeping that company afloat and relevant in todays chaotic economy.

    They wouldn't do anything to jeopardize a business relationship they NEED.

    Again they know who D:apple:ddy is.

    Yes because BB would go out of business if they didn't sell Apple products:rolleyes:

    Apple may be your daddy but they don't hold the god like status you think they do.

    Jan 13, 08:33 AM
    Havent read all the threads, but just thought I would chime in.

    Best darn keynote ever....Ricky Bobby

    Nov 16, 10:18 PM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit�...You can't TM that... I remember Jack saying that on Will&Grace like 3 seasons ago. :D

    Jan 14, 01:03 PM
    These are my predictions:

    Macbook Nano:
    12" Multitouch Screen
    32gb Solid-state hard disk
    3G mobile connectivity for wireless internet access
    8 hour battery
    Simply a tablet (eg. Macbook cut in half); Apple Style
    Mac OS X leopard Multi-touch Edition

    That's just what I was thinking (except no 3G--that would require getting a mobile operator involved. *maybe* as an option).

    I think it will be based on the iPhone/Touch version of OS X, so no optical drive, period. Software is installed through iTunes (yeah, you are expected to have another Mac). However, media will synch wirelessly, AppleTV-style.

    I'm also thinking the screen might be a little smaller. It's going to be light enough to hold and hand to someone else with one hand, even for pretty small people. Also, it *will* be called MacBook Air (sorry--I'm predicting, not saying what I *want* to see).

    Apr 6, 04:49 AM
    So an app advertises an app for advertising more apps.

    Nice one Apple.

    Oct 14, 01:17 PM
    Just noticed something at work (large retailer). The iPod case is unusually empty of iPod videos. We may have 15 total when the case usual has 50-100. The iPod Nanos on the other hand are completely stocked full. Usually this only happens when Apple is going to release a new version and stops sending the store product. I know it sounds weird because they just upgraded the 5G but it was a very insignificant update. Just thought I'd add that to the rumor mill.

    woo, that sound excited.

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