pictures of planets

pictures of planets. Planets Around Sun-Like Stars
  • Planets Around Sun-Like Stars

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 10:40 AM
    thanks for continuing to screw us 3gS owners over Apple...

    My phone is on its last leg, dropping calls all of the time, have to charge it 3 times a day. If I had known this, I would have already bought a 4...

    YOU are screwing yourself over!

    Dropping calls is a carrier issue, not Apple's.

    If you think you need a new battery get a new one and replace the current one.

    As far as if I had known this: How about realizing that technology advances all the time and from the time you get it in your hands it's obsolete?
    And, Apple never promised YOU that there will be an iphone5 when you want to buy one.

    They did however put out a beautiful iphone4 that you can decide to buy or not. Not only that, you can do that any time, imagine that!

    There, all your problems solved in under 2 minutes!

    You are welcome:-)

    pictures of planets. several procedural planets
  • several procedural planets

  • rwh202
    Jan 26, 11:24 AM
    Hi all,

    Just added a 4.8 GHz i7-2600k folding -bigadv (~ 49000 ppd) to my MacRumors contribution.

    This is being helped by:

    3.8 GHz i7-860 folding -smp 7 -bigadv ~ 22000 ppd
    2.8 GHz i7-860 folding -smp 6 ~ 8000 ppd
    3* GTX 460 ~ 32000 ppd combined
    1* GTX 430 ~ 4000 ppd

    All running in wine under Ubuntu 10.04

    Hopefully I can maintain a reasonably stable 100k ppd, at least until the weather gets warmer when the graphics cards will have to stop.


    pictures of planets. The planets in our Solar
  • The planets in our Solar

  • wafl iron
    Apr 7, 02:59 PM
    That's only 1,258,291.2 gigabytes ... If each customer gets, say, 500 megabytes allocated, that's enough for 2,516,582 customers.

    To be safe more like enough for 2.5 million customers @ 500 megabytes (which isn't very high, I would hope for more like 5000 megabytes/5 gigabytes, but then that's only enough for like 251,658 customers).

    Point is, they better have another 10+ Pb along the way ...

    You really think they allocate storage per user like allocated real estate per home owner?

    deduplication + thin provisioning + compression applied to all that storage and your calculations are way off!

    pictures of planets. Three planets circle a
  • Three planets circle a

  • cxny
    Apr 6, 12:29 PM
    Is it too late to add 1 more Peta to the order? I'm planning on becoming a heavy ITMS user soon.


    pictures of planets. Looking for Earth-like planets
  • Looking for Earth-like planets

  • markelim
    Dec 7, 06:41 AM
    My Christmas wallpaper.

    hi is there a larger size for my 27in imac as i had one exactly like this but i accidentally lost my wallpaper folder and i cant find this light blue christmas wallpaper i had ! if you know any light blue christmas wallpapers like this, please link. I cant remember where i got my old light blue christmas wallpaper, i think it was from wallbase but ive searched and cant find it. Please help

    pictures of planets. Only 8 planets now.
  • Only 8 planets now.

  • iApache
    Sep 10, 11:15 PM
    Would you be so kind to post this wallpaper please? Thank you!


    pictures of planets. of former planets orbiting
  • of former planets orbiting

  • twoodcc
    Feb 11, 04:22 PM
    Was moved to get back into DC recently after a long absence. Not adding anything too significant, but I still like contributing. (note that only the first two are actually mine, the rest I just have access to)

    -MBP 13" 2.53 C2D (my main computer, gets used for lots of other things including video work so it's not exactly a rapid contributor right now)

    -AMD X2 64 4600+ [2.4] (my 6 year old pc in a Shuttle chassis, haven't gotten around to building a new one yet, only has a 7900 series gpu so no gpu folding unfortunately)

    -i7 iMac (the quad core sleeper)

    -base i3 iMac

    I also have access to two 2.0 C2D MacBooks but they probably aren't worth utilizing because of their sporadic use patterns combined with their relatively low speed.

    I also have a PS3 which I would use if it was possible for it to fold in the background while playing games, watching movies, etc. But apparently that's not possible.

    As far as a new PC goes, I'm torn between spending money on the PC or [more money] on a new 15" MBP whenever the next gen comes out.

    Also I feel like I came up with a rather ingenious idea for keeping track of all of the computers' progress (from anywhere). I used a combination InCrease and Dropbox. All of the computers have Dropbox installed on them, and each computer except for the main one has a separate folder all of its own in the Dropbox folder where F@H lives for that machine. These folders are then added to InCrease for monitoring. That way whenever the log file or queue file or whatever is updated, it's immediately synced to the main computer and shows up in InCrease. That way even if I'm traveling and I want to check and see what the boxen are doing at home, I can. And it's all seamless. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for having the idea haha :)

    nice. hey as long as you have permission to fold on those iMacs, we could use the points. the macbooks might not be worth it, depending on what they are used for.

    as far as a PC vs mbp, that's up to you. but those new intel processors sure do seem nice. what kind of pc did you have in mind for building?

    not a bad idea for keeping track of folding

    pictures of planets. The solar system
  • The solar system

  • lynkynpark86
    Apr 9, 08:14 PM
    I'm trying to make a script that gets the newest message in Mail, and sets the message's body to a variable. Something like:

    tell application "Mail"


    pictures of planets. The Sizes of the Planets
  • The Sizes of the Planets

  • TvvitterBug
    Jan 7, 02:46 PM
    You should check out TvvitterBug Version 1.0 available on the App Store. It's incredibly simple, powerful, flexible, fast, and most importantly fun! It quickly and easily allows you to customize your Twitter experience just for you. Released yesterday!

    pictures of planets. Coin Planets 2.3[ 7.83
  • Coin Planets 2.3[ 7.83

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Mar 8, 03:09 PM
    Hey everyone, is a website/forum for all Mac users! It's a great site, and we're not too big yet, but we're looking to grow. We "need" more members to make the forums more active, so if you have some free time and feel like checkin it out, don't be afraid to register and make some posts!

    Ryan, a.k.a Plymouthbreezer :)


    pictures of planets. Planets Layer in Sky Updated
  • Planets Layer in Sky Updated

  • The X Factor
    Apr 6, 08:43 PM
    Is there anyway to change an app icon from a app store-purchased app on the iPad 2? (Without a jailbreak, obviously)

    pictures of planets. Planets From Outer Space
  • Planets From Outer Space

  • zelet
    Sep 26, 10:17 PM
    Maybe it's time I start to get a .mac account

    If you don't have it now - don't bother getting it. There are free services that do everything that .Mac does. However, since I am so dependent on the email address - I'm stuck paying the $99 a year.


    pictures of planets. the planets as seen from Earth
  • the planets as seen from Earth

  • Moyank24
    Apr 15, 03:08 AM
    People didn't seem to care about the "gay plague" because it only affected gays. People cared about Ryan White and the Ray brothers, they didn't care about iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians.

    So then they had sex with the person of opposite gender, they adopted or test tube baby.

    I have no interest in destroying you, I have no interest in harming you. You imply I want to physically hurt homosexuals, but I do not.

    iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians?

    I'm assuming that you are talking about ACT UP and their tactics...but iniquitous? Really? A bit dramatic even for you. They did what had to be done in a time when nobody wanted to acknowledge what was happening. And they also tried to fight the ignorance that was associated with the disease..IE..."gay plague". You are evidence that they need to continue their work.

    Is a "test tube baby" (I do hope you know there are much more modern ways) by a gay/lesbian any less than that of a straight person? Does it matter how we are having them? The point is that we are. And snide remarks doesn't negate it. I understand that the concept is scary for you and people who think like you. I do hope that you can learn to adapt to our changing world. Because people like you are going to be left behind if you keep thinking and acting this way.

    And you may have no interest in physically hurting homosexuals, but you don't seem to care about the emotional aspect. Do you not realize that your words in this thread and other threads on this forum are offensive and hurtful? Every ignorant, dismissive, and baseless statement you make here is harmful. I'm sure you don't think so, and you will never admit that you are wrong. But you are. And to think you are doing it in the name of religion. Talk about iniquitous.

    pictures of planets. Sun Planets
  • Sun Planets

  • rmwebs
    Mar 23, 09:44 AM
    Its never a good thing when the guy behind the reason we buy Mac's leaves. :(

    For the user who mentioned that he was behind OS X flaws (you mentioned iTunes bloat) - you are wrong. iTunes isn't run directly by the Mac OS development team, it has its own department. There's probably a little crossover however generally he wouldn't have much input on iTunes.


    pictures of planets. planets collide heavenly
  • planets collide heavenly

  • Reach9
    Mar 23, 09:22 PM
    Your apparent eagerness to lay blame on the victim is bizarre and highly questionable.

    I'm not blaming woman for being raped, don't get me wrong. In fact i know that a lot of times it doesn't matter what the attire is.
    I'm just saying that it increases your chances of getting raped if you're wearing inviting gear. (If the rapist has a sexual desire [that's what i'm talking about])

    It's like showing off your Rolex watch while walking by a dangerous area known for robbery and crime.
    Should you be robbed? No. But mother always said not to walk around showing off your latest bling in dangerous places. That's the point i meant to make, rape is horrible and a disgusting crime. Don't get me wrong, i don't blame the victim.

    Why is dressing provocatively stupid? That's one of the many freedoms women enjoy in the western world, and i enjoy looking at them dressed that way. But I'm not gonna go and rape them. What you're saying confirms Muslim countries justification for sharia law. And I also find it insulting to males, because it says that if a women dresses provocatively then we have no self control and will rape them.

    Good for you. You're right, it's a free country, and I love it for being so. I like to keep hold of my morals and I enjoy women who have values, dignity and self respect.

    A woman dressing provocatively heightens the chances of assault, that's all i'm saying. I'm not saying that men should rape women who dress provocatively, don't get me wrong.
    If you don't think that women who dress provocatively get more attention from men, then it's pointless to continue the discussion.

    Sharia Law is just some stupid extremist ideology, i'm not even going to go there.

    Good for you to have control, it's not only about controlling themselves, some are stalking women in inviting circumstances. I've seen it myself.

    The point is that you have a reasonable expectation of safety regardless of decisions.

    Placing more and more responsibility on the victims is a slippery slope.

    Today its "don't walk down that street" tomorrow its "what were you doing outside without your gun and bullet proof vest".

    No matter the poor nature of one's decision they do not deserve to be raped or murdered. And responsibility for the event belongs solely to the perpetrator.

    Agreed. I never said it was, and i never will, rape is absolutely terrible. I understand that a person has a reasonable expectation of safety, I'm just saying that wearing provocative outfit will increase the chances of assault. Is that right? No, but i've seen it myself along with some of my friends victimized numerous times.
    It's sad how the world works.

    I think the difference is that there are certain situations where i feel that both parties are at fault for the concluding action that was taken place.
    For example, if a woman decides to wear provocative clothing and acts accordingly at a bar and then gets assaulted by a drunk man, which afterwards she claims as rape, then i'll be looking into both parties.
    Nobody deserves to get raped or murdered, i'm not saying anything like that.

    pictures of planets. 32 New Planets Found Outside
  • 32 New Planets Found Outside

  • Tshapi
    Feb 9, 02:06 PM
    I have a question.

    what makes this new plan different from the UNlimited plan already in existence.

    ATT. wants customers to upgrade to the unlimited messaging so they make more profit


    pictures of planets. Planets and their Strength
  • Planets and their Strength

  • ghost187
    Apr 13, 09:44 AM
    Just because someone hasn't left iPhone 5 in a bar this year doesn't mean we are not going to see iPhone 5 in June like we have seen every single iPhone before it (ok iPhone 3G slipped into July, but big deal). Apple is predictable people. I guarantee that we will see an iPhone 5 in June. And ofcourse Apple hasn't given a roadmap out, because they are keeping it hush hush this year.

    pictures of planets. Number Of Planets - QwickStep
  • Number Of Planets - QwickStep

  • Darth.Titan
    Apr 13, 01:12 AM
    Just use the windows keys as command keys. They're located in the same place relative to a Mac keyboard.

    Just plug and play.

    pictures of planets. THE PLANETS.

  • AdrianK
    Mar 27, 10:45 AM
    They only reason the seller wouldn't clearly state is was a picture from the outset was to deceive potential buyers. 'Nuff said. Hopefully they'll get booted from eBay and paypal for wasting everyone's time.

    Of course, whoever bids is a total moron, but no one deserves to profit off that.

    I've seen worse though. Like an iPad auction with the selling waffling on about how great the device is in broken English, then saying it included accessories, and ending with "the iPad is here with me".

    Mar 26, 08:38 PM
    to be honest of your stupid enough to bid for this, props to the seller for making his money.

    there really is no excuse for paying for something over a certain amount without reading the description

    Oct 31, 12:28 PM
    Actually, LASER = Light Ampilfication by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. ;)

    Touche ( ;)

    Mar 22, 05:40 PM
    Hi, I have had this constant black screen on my iTunes store page on iTunes. Everything else is fine but the store page, I have tried re-installing iTunes and yet still the problem persists. Anyone know how to get change it back?

    Apr 4, 07:45 PM
    Personally I dislike the F series BMWs. From afar I don't know if it's a decent looking run of the mill Japanese car or an actual BMW. The E39 5 series I do agree with being just tits though. I think the E36 3 series usually look like junkers unless they are in pristine condition, which most seem to be utterly abused. Bring back the E46 style headlights and rear, with the very distinct OVAL kidneys.

    My favorite car of all time as its truly lightweight AND nutty HP/Torque unlike the Veyron which is just heavy and nutty HP/Torque:

    Then the other truly beautiful car IMO is the Orca C11 which a father and son made:

    I'm also a sucker for 90s vaporware supercars...

    Also, the BMW 8 series should not have been beautiful and the interior to die for.... The only thing wrong with it was to try to add 2 very small back seats:
    I just wish I fit in it....otherwise I would have picked one up by now...

    And THE car that set THE standard in the sporty family car market:

    Sep 27, 04:43 PM
    When oh when are they going to update that insanely arcane iCal "feature" on .Mac. Why isn't it easy to access my calendars from my .Mac homepage? And WHY can't I ADD an event from .Mac. So frustrating.

    Amen on that. It's frustrating that a lot of .mac has been ignored for the past few years. It seemed like that service was improved more often back when it was free. I don't get it.

    Reacent Post


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